Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Driving Experience

I had been driving for almost half a year now and I can tell you that the biggest road bullies are actually not as big as you thought. SO you might think. Road bullies, must be all those lorry and bus drivers. YOU ARE DAMN WRONG! They are the sweetest, most compassionate driver in the entire world. I am a P driver. I know. And it is definitely not those drivers flashing their merc or Ferrari because frankly I am pretty sure these drivers are secretly traumatized by us P drivers so they will stay far away and try not to pressure us, fearing we might scratch their babies. And here comes the Modifier. They are surprisingly not that bad. I am sure they will tail gate you are keep flashing you even when you are driving 100km/h. Usually when they start doing those shits I will just automatically drive from 100km/h to 40km/h. And get fascinated to see their irritated face which its pretty fun cause they will never scratch anyone's car with their modified Wira which they stick a Merc logo there thinking that we might overlook the fact that its a Wira. Well-played boys.

Frankly I am not a good driver. I mean I am good, Pffft what talking you?! Its just that I rage a lot. Though now is a lot lesser having a shotgun who shush me before I start using those foul language and start replacing them with words that goes like this, "Fudgelakdjwkjdhfkbqwejhasdfnbqweruhsadfjh, Don't know how to drive, wanna die don't scratch my car. Die far far away." And usually these words are directed to motorcyclist, the BIGGEST road bullies ever.

You might think, "Vyv, you joking ah!" and usually these remarks come from people who don't drive. Trust me. They are the worst. Sometimes you just feel like running them with you car but only to realize you ain't going to scratch your car for such bitches. I am not trying to stereotype. But so far in my entire half a year of driving experience, I just secretly wish Malaysia would ban motorcycles but it will cause more jams so I guess its not a good idea. Motorcyclist are seperated into different groups.

1) Imagine this. You are stuck in a jam. The other lane is going really fast but your lane is barely moving. You are late for your class again and you secretly think this time you ain't getting away with being an hour late. So you look to your right, the car is letting you cut the moment you put your signal, then you checked at least 3 times whether are there motorcylces coming through. So you gradually cut, then this bloody motor who is speeding at lesast 80km/h in a bloody jam which is so far away will start horning and showed no sign of stopping. Asses right? Then BAM! This bitch scratch your car. You saw two oversize men almost killing the motor. And guessed what, they stopped in the middle of the road, punch and kick your car, shout more abusive words towards you. Mind you, these motors are driving 80km/h in the fast lane. Its clearly against the law. And they would do this to a helpless P driver and mind you a small petite girl like me. Thank GOD i locked my car cause they were showing signs of trying to shove me out and god knows what happen next. Its really scary, judging by the fact no one was there and I was all alone. So there you have, The Abusive Cyclist.

2) The Suicide Cyclist. I was driving Eli as usual back from college. The light was clearly green for a long time, so i was like WOW! WHAT A LUCKY DAY! No jam and all the traffic light was green. I was busy jamming to Like a G6 in the car then BAM! A motorcyclist making a U turn when my car was right in front of the junction. It seems like, OMG! LOOK A CAR! I THINK I REMEMBER MY DAD SAYING SEE A CAR THAN FUDGING MAKE A U TURN EVENTHOUGH THE LIGHT IS RED! Thank GOD! I managed to stop in time. If I am driving my dad's car which has inefficient braking system, this guy would have been dead. I literally felt my car jerked right on the spot. Thank God I was not speeding as usual. Thank God i got distracted by my favorite song. Thank God I didn't scratch my car. I know you might think I am mean by not caring about that motorcyclist's life, but judging by the way he is driving, I am pretty sure he does not even think his life is worth a penny, so why bother.

3) The Middle of The Lane Cyclist. So you are driving at the fast lane. Saw this old man riding his motorcycle in the middle of the fast lane, not showing signs of moving aside by the sight of my GLARING red car. If I am driving dull colour car I understand. Actually I don't! Cars are so huge, please don't tell me that you didn't see any car coming behind you. Because most of these cyclists are old man, I would refuse to put any pressure on him, and will just trail behind him. Refuse to horn or flash. Because old people are just too sweet. Why didn't I cut, well I am not in a hurry and frankly i like the sight of Old People. And cutting him will only mean giving him pressure, No i am not doing that unless I am in a hurry. Its just so damn cute.

You might think I am exaggerating and you might say most cyclist aren't that bad. The only reason why you might be saying this is either you are clearly not driving or you are a motorcyclist. Well Maybe NOT all motorcyclist are asses but to those who are, if you are driving like you are killing yourself, just jump down the building and kill yourself cause, the way you drive, seriously your life don't even worth a tiny scratch on  our car. If you don't love your life, how do you expect the others to love yours? You might say I don't understand their situation and the feeling as a motorcyclist and this post might offend many of my readers, but maybe I will never understand. Cause ALL I can see is you driving like you are handing your life to the Grim Ripper. The only reason why you are not dead yet is because you are just one lucky douche.

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