Monday, May 7, 2012

I am not a Chinese. I am a Malaysian

I am very proud to say I am a Malaysian. I will be called a Malaysian. Because i love my country and this is it. Sadly, i had seen many people especially around my age group boast about how amazing are other countries. Believe me, they love Aussie, The U.S.A and UK. They will know everything about the following place. But seriously, have you look into the matter? If you don't protect the country than who will. If the country is as bad as you had been saying, why are you still here? Malaysia is a democratic country. Which means people's decision really do matter. So we as citizens do not do our part, how will Malaysia improve. If the country is bad as you say the only reason i can think of is because we have people like you. I have friends that always say I will go to UK when there is a chance. Malaysia is bullshit and a racist country. We Chinese are bright. We will never have a chance because Malay will always have the opportunity. It just get into my nerve. Because certain country that you love is worst. They had only recently resolve part of the racist issues. In Malaysia, everyone have a chance as long as you are bright. If you had forgotten our history, it is a rule written and cannot be changed. The Malays had shared their country with all races. It is normal to have such a rule and it is what i call fair. When you are at your dream country you will never have the chance you think you will have. The Alpha group will always be on top eventhough you are better than them. This is the truth. Malaysia is my home. Its where I am born. Its where i feel amazing. After long trips to other country, the moment i step into Malaysia, I feel relief. Like I am back home as this is the truth. There are a lot of amazing facts about Malaysia. Everyone has a chance. I repeat EVERYONE. Look at Dato' Lim Goh Tong for example. He had never complained about racist issues. He was even given a chance to prove himself. And look at how successful he is. He was supported by all races and because he accepted, tolerated and was proud to be a Malaysian. People all around the world are running away from their country to live here. Even Ph.D holders. They had admitted that their country was a mess and the find Malaysia lovely and peaceful. All this are not a lie. I had seen and heard with my own eyes and ears. Malaysia is where the chance begin, savour the chance. I know people might ask, why are you planning to study in other country eventhough you love Malaysian that much. Simple, I want to get away from my parents grasp and I just want to see the world. But deep down I will always remember I am a Malaysian and Malaysia is my home. Even if one day i might not be living in Malaysia any more, Malaysia will always be my home. The reason i might leave Malaysia one day is will never be because I don't love Malaysia enough. Its because, I am dying to acheive something not only in my home but away from it. To show that Malaysians can do it too. Love your country. You only have one Ps. Sorry for the long wait, was really busy with my exams. :)


  1. Fantastic.... Excellent.... I love it!!! Once a Malaysian always a Malaysian!!! Respect!!!
