Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Friend's Protocol

Yes, sometimes watching your friend getting into trouble is the worst thing that can ever happen. You will do anything to protect them. You will do anything to back him/she up even if it means hurting yourself or even getting yourself into trouble. The problem is what if he/she refuse to accept what are you doing because they are too self-centered (without realizing) to think that you simply do not understand them well enough. They will soon get piss with you for not supporting or even worst trying to stop them. But seriously, what can you do in this situation?

Assume that your friend is dating this girl. She is the worst nightmare. You know so much about her and suddenly she is dating your bff. Your first action might be talking some sense into him. But of cause most of them will refuse to listen. And you soon give in thinking "meh, they will break up soon anyways."

So the problem start arising, your friends parents found out. The girl had broken his family apart. He is always depressed by the pressure his parents give them. It is clear to you that it is too late to pull him back because he can even go against his family and of cause you for the girl.

Yes, you might scream at him! You will cry for him! You might even give him the silent treatment just to make some sense into his empty brain. But it does not help. So now what you ask your self. I can't do this and I can't make him stop so what can I do?

Simple, yes, you will be heart broken but slowly try to think back the times when you were in a mess, he was there. When you had fell head over heels for a guy who has a big ASS sign on his forehead. He was there helping you through. Or maybe you broke your arm and he was there to soothe the pain by making the lamest joke ever but you will still laugh at it. Suddenly you will feel that, hey, the sickbay is an amazing place. Than you will slowly think, this is merely just a challenge.

He/she has the right to decide what they want in life. As a friend you had done your part advising him. Now is just to catch him when he falls. Don't scream at his mistakes cause it make things worst. Look at him and smile. Give him a hug and say, hey idiot, i am here. The process is slow and unbearable the entire time. But think, did he complain when you puke all over his shirt when you got too much of those alcohol. You can't help him to decide what is right. Your friend there have to experience the pain himself to stand back up.

~Pain is part of growing up~ As this will make him a better person. Its hard I know, but its the best. And this is a unwritten friend protocol that you had signed up.

Just think bout all the great times and you will be fine :)


  1. Hello ;) hahah saw this on facebook. Nice post. We can exchange links! Teehee. <3

  2. Ok. Thanks a lot. its my first so ya. hope it inspire
