Sunday, August 19, 2012

Definition of Love

Well, when you read this, i am pretty sure the first person you ever thought of is your crush or your partner. Well, sadly, but gladly, my definition of love is TOTALLY different.

Well, most of you will think, "Vy Vyan, SHUT UP! I love him SO much. You won't understand." Maybe you are right. But let me tell you when was the first time i fell so deeply in love, it was not on any guy. He was just a day old.

I fell in love in the hospital. The first time i laid eyes on him, i melted. When i hold him in my arms, everything felt right. This baby was like nothing i had ever felt. I was in love. With his rusty blond hair and literally brown hazel eyes. When he held my finger tight. This is what i call love.

Being in love is all about sacrifice. Love don't mean the other half. Love is when you can do ANYTHING for this one person. You can even die for them. The feeling when he first learn to talk was the best feeling ever. When he called me, i swear to you i was over the moon. When he fell down and BAM, I freaked out and started crying. When he took the first step. When he went to a nursery. When he would scream his lungs out when you are 1 minute late for ANYTHING! When he walks into your room and started hogging your bed. When he drag my snowy on the floor and ran all over the house. When he peed on snowy on accident. When he peed on ME on accident. When he kiss me. When he hug me. When his first bad word was SHIT (my bad) And most importantly when he will just look at you and say, "Aunt, I love you soooooooooo much! I will give you a present cause you are a good girl." Though i know i will NEVER get the present he is talking about but seriously, that is more than enough. He is the present.

Its amazing what love can do to you. I would always want to be a better person. Someone he would be proud of. Someone he can talk about in front of his best friend Guo Zhen. Someone he would sing about (yes, he make up songs depending on the situation). Someone who he is proud of. Someone who mean a world to him.

All i want to prove is this, you think you are in love but you might not. Love is something that also happen between your family. Love is an amazing strength. Makes you want to be a better person so do love right. If you had broken up and thought you fall out of love, you had never. You still do have your family, your friends. Even a complete stranger will fall in love with you. So don't give up on love. Its already there.

Him starting to turn into a huge monster thanks to all those pampering.

Him with his I am so angry pose i asked him to make (He is not angry, its all an act)

Man cookie, that's what he call them, the reason why he love me more because i make magic in the kitchen

See I told you it was all an act!

Black, that is what he called charcoal bread that i have to drive all the way uptown because he LOVE it.

He and his fishy he insisted me on taking,

Him being a big brother! He never mind sharing the love. (ok FINE! he does)

Looking around at fishy in Aquaria

His all time best friend. He will literally pounce on me if I ignore his demand for his Booster and Pacifier.

His definition of monster.

He can be a Nightmare sometimes. He once run into a firecracker and I have to stand in front of him because he refused to move. There goes my shirt. Or just yesterday when i he do not let me do my business and kept on asking me questions when i was busy in the toilet. Or when he pooped RIGHT in front of me in the dinning room and YES i have to pick it up. Or when he demand to go to toilet to poop when you are eating. Or when he insist you to look in the toilet bowl at his poop to tell him he did a good job at pooping! But love is hard. So..... I found love. Have you?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lend a HELPing Hand

They say picture says better than words. I have a confession to make, I love each and everyone of these kids from the bottom of my heart. I am trying not to because i know one day i will have to leave them and pursue what i want in my life. I mean each and every SASArians will have to leave them one day. But the least we can do is provide them with hope. Yes, hope.

You sit here reading my blog. You complain about how screwed up is your life. You complain about how your boyfriend treat you badly. You complain about not getting that Ipad you wanted. You complain how lucky is your friends having a sport car to drive. But STOP being so ignorant. Take a second and look into the world. Spend your time and think.

What all the kids in these orphanages want is their parents bringing them back home at least for the holiday. What all they want is the opportunity to lead a normal life like us. What all of them want is to know someone out there still care for them. And what we want? Fame. Fortune. Love. We have all these. Its just that we are too greedy and FULL of ourselves to realize this. We are horrible person. We are a horribly lucky person.

I am personally attached to this girl Angel. She would hold me hand and look up at me fluttering her long lashes asking me, "Sister Vy Vyan, why can't you stay with me?" Every single time she say this i just feel like taking her home. I want this 5 year old girl to be free from all the pain she is suffering. Every single time she says this i tear up and smile. I would ALWAYS sing to her just to make her feel better. I teach the teenage girls about boys. They would ask what I want to do and they said wow! If only i can be just like you. I, I mean we the SASArians keep thinking, why can't they be just like us? Than snap, Darren Timothy and Tim figured out why. They need a good environment. A good facility. Something that only can be settled by money.

So our 2 TimS came out with this brilliant idea to raise money for all the kids involved in our Teaching Programme. But we know deep down, how much we have to do. And it is our second semester, with university applications and stuff like that. They insisted to carry on, formed a committee and we are set to go.  Its just the beginning. We need a lot of help and support. A LOT OF HELP AND SUPPORT! But we are not chickening out. Its for them. We get none from the outcome. 

We are very different from most of the Runs. We are involved and had approached these children for months. We know what they need. We know how much they need. And we are trying to make a difference. It might be small but its not nothing.

So people, i wish, from the bottom of my heart that please do support. Please at least spend 3 hours of your time to just run for them. The more the better. Some of them will appear during the run. I know they will feel amazing, like WOW! These people are doing this for us! They care!

Yes, you definitely will help financially. But most importantly, you do help morally too. You always feel like you don't help enough? Well this is your chance. God is watching. Be the light in their life.

For further information, you can personally contact me,
Vy Vyan - 0176237823
Timothy  - 0102202375
Darren    - 0122128478

Or simply visit our facebook page.

Friday, August 3, 2012

You Think You Love Him

Sometimes, yes, he is all you can think about. You think you are madly in love with one person. That is what all teen thinks nowadays. Only one out of ten teens' relationship are successful. But why?

Simply because we are immature. You feel lonely and suddenly this guy appear out of no where, giving you the attention you need and than you think, hey maybe i like him. And than you"fall in love" for this guy. But seriously is that love or are you just curious? Is that love or you just need this guy to fill in the space. I am very sure almost 100% of the people here will think, this is love. Don't doubt us. We are old enough to make our own decision. This is what i call denial. Not everyone can accept the fact that they are desperate. Yes, everyone is Desperado, especially when they are going through the downs. I admit that at times i feel like nothing i working out and suddenly this guy appear out of nowhere i might think hey, i think he is a fine one. That is when everyone of you have to think properly and clearly, do you seriously like this guy?

Most girls will just jump into conclusion like, he is there for me. He MUST be the one. No doubt it applies on certain occasions but as a teen, i don't think so it is applicable. Because most guys, they are nice to you because they have other intentions. They are not nice to you because you are a sad individual. Some guys actually think that, "Hey, she is sad, this is my chance to win her over". Get it? You are suppose to look for these type of guys, " Hey, she is sad, I must be there for her, she needs me". 

Love is a try and error thing. People tend to think, every relationship works out. It don't. Sadly there is never happy endings to this type of thing. Relationships always end with pain. Even if you get married, your other half might just leave you for God. But its the feeling of living your life with another person. To have someone to depend on. That is the key to everything.

Relationship is all about tolerance. Both parties MUST let down their ego. And DO NOT spam twitter or whatever social network with pictures with both of you. Its ok if there are a few appropriate ones. But somethings are better to keep it between yourself. Instead of telling the world how much you love him or her, why don't you just whisper into their ears about how much you love them. Because, frankly, the world don't really care. Make sure that you don't spend all your time with this person and make sure you still have ample of time with your friends. That is the mistake done by us. We tend to forget about our friends. If the relationship fail, the only thing you have on your back is your amigos. SO NEVER FORGET YOUR FRIENDS. Sometimes just have some bff time without your boyfriend. If your boyfriend is in the same group, than let him join his bro's for some crazy thing and don't chock them with too much sweetness. Friends, they just want to know that you are still there. 

The main thing is getting the right or close to right partner. This is the trickiest part. People always say follow your heart. Some people say be rational in order to not choose the wrong one. I say use both your heart and brain in this. First, let the heart kick in. If this guy makes you feel all soft and buttery why not? Than wait for a few months whether is it still a crush. This is the time the brain kicks in asking you to wait and see whether is this real or its merely a crush. At the same time, you can see whether whatever the guy is doing bore you or make you go crazier for him. Like i like kid, if i see my crush getting very well along with kid everything will be right. So ya, if the feeling is so strong, than hint the guy or make your first move. Don't BUG the guy. If he don't reply any of your actions, its clear that he is not into you. Than instead of making a fool out of yourself, back off. Some girls, they are a bit over crazy, they will continue winning the guy over. Depending on your mentality. Because, i don't think a girl should go after a guy in any cause. It lowers your reputation and like it or not that boy will not respect you. The brain here must do the thinking and analysis. Whether is he the right one. His attitude. His personality. Because there are girls who date drug addict. This is when their brain do not kick in. Just be yourself, if the guy do not accept you for who you are than why date him?

NEVER date a guy who makes you cry or sad. Try dating before getting into anything serious to see how it goes aka trial period. NEVER date a guy who makes you feel bad if yourself. NEVER date a guy who tried lowering your self-esteem just to boost theirs. NEVER date guys who are still stuck in the past.

It is important to remember not all relationships work out. Its all about trial and error. And its best to forgive and forget your failed relationship. Sure it takes time but forgiving is the key for a new successful relationship.

OK now i sound like a love guru. But seriously, its all about trial and error. Take care and sorry for the long wait. Was really really really busy. FML. My friend had continuously asked me to write about this so here it is. :)