Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fashion BABY!

I will be the last person you should ask about fashion. My sense of style will be T-shirt and jeans. And I will wear the same shirt that i find comfortable over and over again for the entire week if its not for the hygenic purposes. How about college? I will be the girl in tee and jeans. Well you can see me wearing that shirt multiple times in a month! Well its comfortable, it smells nice. Why not?

I mean I might seem like this girl who have the smallest closet ever but seriously I do. The only time i shop for clothes is when I have to. Yap. Chinese New Year! I love shopping so please don't get me wrong but I would rather spend my time sleeping at home or spend my money on food and gym stuff. I do like seeing girls wearing pretty clothes and flaming red hair. But on me? Haha. I will NEVER spend that much effort and time to find the pretty clothes that are cheap and nice. And hair, I never comb my hair if that answers your question. Max once a day. I actually have the guts to come out of the shower, dry my hair with my towel, put on my shirt and shorts and go out for a family dinner. My parents will scold me and i will simply say, "Mum, this is my style. SWAG!" but truthfully I am too lazy and i would rather spend my time day dreaming. (except the fact i cut my hair in class because of split ends)

But seriously, when i come to think of it, for a girl, I am not much of a girl but deep down I am one, I am just really lazy. Get it? And I seriously don't care. I love dressing up don't get me wrong. Is just that I will ask myself, why bother dressing up every single time especially to college. I prefer wearing something comfy. I mean its a place to study and not a fashion show right? But I do like seeing my friends with pretty dresses and skirts. HOWEVER, I just don't think its appropriate for me. I mean I run around. Jump around. And even when i sit i have to fold my legs. So jeans is the most comfortable and appropriate thing ever created that makes Vy Vyan a happy person. Of cause shorts are amazing, I used to wear them to college until my parents vent about how ugly it is and also how disrespectful I am. I used to not understand and think they are just ridiculous but stick with my jeans but when i was driving to college, I saw this particular girl wearing shorts to college and I was thought to myself, "WOW! She came here to study in that? So much respect for the lecturers eh." than i realize that i used to do that and secretly understand why my parents don't really agree with me and shorts to college. But I do have friends wearing shorts to college and they look amazing. I guess its not for everyone? Guess its some fashion thing i can never understand. But I do know that I will never wear shorts to college anymore UNLESS if I run out of jeans.

When do i dress up? When I have to. Like going for a formal dinner. Or my friend's birthday party. I would put in effort on what i wear and open my eyes when i go through my closet to get a clothing that is non T-shirt which is pretty hard. But at least i try and my girlfriends have to seriously love me for my efforts.

So i have my believe. Fashion for me is comfy stuff. Some people may love branded stuff. Secretly who doesn't? But I would never respect people who carries falsies. Not because I am superficial but why pretend you have something that you couldn't afford. Whats wrong with a cheap stuff with better qualities but no brand. Get it? If you can't afford it simply just don't get it. Why act like you have one just for show show? I always believe and live by this phrase, if you have it, show it. So you can't afford it why try to show everyone you can afford it when you can't? Like me. My family ain't very rich. I don't have a Louis Vuitton bag. But i didn't try to a get a falsy. I stick with the same bag pack i used since I was 16. My handbag is a just a middle class brand. I am not afraid to tell people that I can't afford it. I mean if i have friends who look down on me because i don't carry a Gucci to college then they are simply not my friend.

I don't want to live my life pretending to be what I am not. I will never want to act like I care about fashion when i clearly don't. I will never want to act like I can afford a Hermes when I don't. Yes, my family ain't that rich. Or at least I don't claim I am rich. My dad make me grow up without telling me his income. I didn't even know what he works as til I am 16 because he refused to tell me thinking I might grow up into something that he will not be proud of. He changed me from a private school to a government thinking I will gain a lot more morally. And I am sure glad he did what he had done. Because now I don't act like an individual thinking money grows on tree. I live in a humble family having dinner in a simple Chinese restaurant sharing 2 drinks in a family of 4. I am proud of who I am and where i come from. Yes, my dad might not be as rich as Steve Jobs but I know his qualities are always better. I am proud when i go to work or some functions with him. He literally attended those function with a sandals once. And he still gain respects and smile wherever he goes from people of all races. I have learnt a lot from him. Even if you are rich or poor. Just be yourself. Be kind. Be humble. Be nice and the world will love you. Even if what you are wearing is a big fashion No No. If you can't achieve something, never blame the government. Never blame the government of being bias about other race. Because you are giving excuse to yourself and excuses are what pull you back.

True that I live in a simple family. Not really that rich. But judging by what I am today and what i learned, I am proud of who I am, where I come from. I came to accept that I am who I am and am really proud of myself even though I did screw up a lot. And daddy if you happen to come across this, even though I don't see you often but I love you and you thought me a lot by how you live and how you pave your way around people. Thanks dad.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

To Drink Or Not To Drink

"Vy Vyan, wanna go for a drink?" Well I don't drink. I do when I am around my parents when I have to but without them, I don't.

I know I might be really uncool now and might drop way down the pyramid of social life but I am fine because i hold on to what i believe.

I know friends who hang out and drink til they are drunk and the next morning, they will have a hangover so bad, they can barely move. I would ask why do you do that? The answer I always get is it is fun! You should try. Well, what i remember fun is all about laughing ad being happy without being stuck in bed the next day because your head hurts.

I don't call these people stupid. I pity them. The only reason why I think they revolve around drinking is because they are deteriorating deep inside or simply insecure. Its because they are so sad they need a glass of Terquila (is this how you spell it) to make them happy. Its because they clearly do not know what is the definition of fun.

People always ask me, why don't you drink? Why should I? I went to a club, sat there and just observe. What is actually so fun about it? Well, the music is too loud for me. The drinks are bitter. And the people are making a fool out of themselves. Girls with microscopic skirts. Going crazy. Close to being an animal. Is this what is called cool these days? Cause i will stick to this uncool side.

Well, I secretly do not know will i be drinking in the future. But for now i know my life is simply perfect to be downing those juice that burns your throat all the way down and makes things 'fun'. Because frankly what I think is fun is hanging out with my friends, all snuggled up in one bed playing Charades and Mafia. Partying with marshmallow instead of liquor, shoving as many marshmallow into your mouth to see who wins. For now I like that.

What they think about birthday party in clubs? I am cool with that. If I am invited i might go depending on how close am I to this person but I will definitely not touch any drink unless it is alcohol free. I would prefer my birthday party to be full of marshmallow and all the people I love. I secretly do wish my grandparents would be here but they can come to my party in heaven I guess.

What i call fun is spending time with your family by keeping all Saturdays and Sunday nights unoccupied so i have the maximum time to spend with them. Spend more time with Angel and Bryan from the orphanage after college. Stay crazy with my friends and love without afraid of hurting. Giving without hoping that it will be returned. And just smile.

Cause sometimes helping others is the new fun and cool. SO do come for the run. The HELPing Hand Run.

These are the details.

Pictures from TRINITY and all these amazing SASArians involved!

Kai Xiang and David
David is an amazing boy who always help me out when i try parking my car. Its not like i need his help cause i am an excellent driver (Ps. If its not for him, my car will be scratched all over)

Jasmine and her favorite student John

The Monday crew!

Jamie and his love, Justin (You will be amazed by their connection. Justin and his little brother,Bryan will always insist on what happen to Jamie if he is not there)

For further information please check our Facebook page

Please help. Just look at them aren't they addorable?!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Power of Make Up

"Ew... She is such a fake! Look at her make up!"

Sounds familiar? Does it really matter? I am totally fine with it! I don't wear it all the time, i just wear it occasionally. Like for a party, or a formal ball. That remark comes sadly from most males.

Look, if the girls with layers of make up is called fake, than what are you? Hiding behind huge layers of wax, hitting the gym all times until you get so buff you can hardly touch your shoulders with your hands. They say, i want internal beauty! But you secretly still go after girls with all the assets. Big boobs, lean body, pretty face. I am not saying all guys do that but sadly most. That is why there are girls being grouped as The Big NO. And here you are complaining about how fake this girl in front of you is with the layers of make up.

This is what i see. My point of view. I frankly do get disgusted when i see girls wearing super thick make up. But constantly remind myself, its something she needs to hold on. Something to boost up their confidence. And with that i think, why not? Its a normal thing for a girl to want to look pretty. I mean i would wanna look pretty but I am just too lazy to put those on my face and frankly i have enough confidence in a life time. 

Its hard to accept at first but frankly i prefer girls putting a few layers of make up to feel better bout herself than girls taking drugs, smoking, cutting herself in order to feel better. Make up is an art. For people who thinks make up is a fake, sorry but you are being hypocritical.

So here we are, your favourite celebs!

1) Katy Perry

 2) Taylor Swift

3) Megan Fox 

There are still make up on but its tonnes lesser than the picture after.

So how are your inner beauty thing kicking in? I do not encourage make up as a must, but if it is the first baby step for the females to gain confidence then why not? 

But for girls out there who survive on make up, it is also true that it is best to not depend on them. Feel good about yourself. Try putting lesser and lesser make up on your face. Its hard but after a few times, you won't even find make up necessary for a date.

There will a be a HELPing Hand Run in Bukit Damansara on the 7th of October. Maybe, let you inner beauty kick in and encourage yourself to join the charity run to help?

You can check the facebook page,
or the event page,

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Life as A Helper

People might think, serving the community is easy. Well it is simply NOT! Especially when you are working with kids and TEENAGERS! "Help only mah! I also no larh! Very big meh?!", that's what Malaysians say, but seriously, what do they do? NOTHING!

The hardest phase in the entire process is getting attached to the kids. Especially if they even make an origami for you. Its a good thing, for sure but when its time to leave, the process is horrible. I mean i personally hate goodbyes. Especially those goodbyes that make you feel like you might never see this one person again. We will leave them one day. Or they might leave us! When a kid told us they might leave forever, ya, you are suppose to be happy for them but deep down thousands of questions will run through our mind, "Will he be ok?", "Will this happen again"? But mostly what I will feel is missing them, hoping not to not to not see them again. Suck! You have to be happy for them. All you can do is hug them and say take care, but its hard to let go. It breaks your heart. THE ENTIRE NIGHT you will be thinking, how will he be with his parents again? We have to fake our smile and put our worries aside. Just be happy for them! But how? Boundaries. Limits.

Teenagers, sigh, teenagers. I had and still am going through the teen phase. But its SO hard to make them even to open up even the tiniest bit. You will try and try and when you think you are there, POOF! The doors are closed up. And you have to start ALLLLL over again. Have to sit and just go through the maze trying a different path. When they are sad, its impossible to go through the maze. Its like all dead end. Took me around 3 weeks to get her start talking to me again. (Talking in the sense as joke talk) But it is worth it when she decides to smile for you at last. Trying to advise her without letting her know you are but hoping that she will get it on her own. How does my mum do this again?!

So ya, as you know, we will be having a run, HELPing Hand Run!  So do join. Support them. Support those adorable sweethearts. They will need it.


You can call me, Vy Vyan. I am free at all times. My number is 017-6237823

or you can visit our Facebook page!